Where can I find journal articles? How can I tell if an article is peer-reviewed?
Last updated on Jul 01, 2024
Finding Articles
Below are 4 ways you can find journal articles:
- Enter your search terms into the search box in the EBSCOhost Articles tab on the Library homepage. This search box searches a selection of article databases.
- Enter your search terms into the search box in the BenSearch tab on the Library homepage. This search box searches across most Library online resources, including articles, books, and videos.
- Select a database, such as Business Source Elite, from our Academic Databases page. Not sure which database to use? Use the dropdown menu on the Academic Databases page to select your subject area.
- If you know the title of the journal you need, search Journals By Title.
If we don't have the full text of an article you need, request it through our interlibrary loan service, ILLiad. You will receive an email with a link to article. Articles usually arrive within 48-72 hours of request.
Can't find what you need? Ask a librarian for assistance.
Ensuring an Article Is Peer-Reviewed
Some databases allow you to limit your results to scholarly, or peer-reviewed, journals. For example, in EBSCO databases--such as Academic Search Complete, ERIC and Business Source Elite + Complete--you can limit your results by checking a box that reads "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals."